Welcome back to our Customer Spotlight Series - where we'll be bragging about some of our beloved customers!
Today, we're chatting with Kara. She's a wife, mama to 3,
foster mama, biz owner and a sustainable fashion enthusiast.
What keeps you busy during the day?
My work, my 3 kiddos (or more--foster mama), and
my community!
What shade of green do you consider yourself?
a) Forest Green....I hug trees for a living
b) Christmas Green...For the most part, I live a natural lifestyle
c) Light Green...I'm just starting out on my Green Journey
d) Red....I'm the complete opposite of crunchy, but I love the smell of your cleaners
I would say B! We've been doing a mostly natural lifestyle
for several years now, but I'm not quite an A!
Why did you get involved in sustainable fashion?
A new friend introduced me to
Sseko (SAY-KO, means laughter
in Lugandan!) 4 years ago. I had always tried to
ignore the fact that I had no clue where my
clothes came from, who made them and
how they were treated.
I've learned so much about being socially conscious,
more sustainable in my fashion, and the impact we
can have on people's lives and the environment when
we are more thoughtful in our purchases.
Because of my work, I am part of creating
educational and economic
opportunities for women in East Africa,
and it has changed my life!
What's your fave Sseko piece and why?
Gah. That's a tough question. I LOVE having a beautiful bag
now, but I could never narrow that down to a fave.
They get the most wear. I've had them 3 years, and they are
my everyday, all terrain, slide-on and go shoes.
I love that I've seen them made in real life in Uganda,
and I've even tried to help make them (I'm not very good, ha)!
Why did you start using all natural cleaners?
I started moving away from chemical cleaners in
2014 maybe?? I would use water, vinegar, baking soda,
and cleaning cloths. Maybe added in some essential oils
here and there.
Then I moved to East Texas, met Kasey (Red!), and am
in LOVE! It has made it easier to cut out all chemical
cleaners, and the smells make me so happy!
What's your #1 cleaning tip?
Try to make it fun. I am quite unmotivated
because-let's face it-with kids, your work is completely
undone in about 2 seconds!
But when I have fun with, turn on some music,
add in some dancing, it doesn't feel so overwhelming/frustrating
when the mess reappears.
For more information about Sseko and to
shop sustainable fashion, visit bit.ly/ShopKaraSseko